How to Start Your Day Positively

5 Ways to start your day positively with little to no time!

Welcome Back to the blog, Today I wanted to list out some task that I do as mom! I try to be the best person I can while being everything my family needs also. Check out my list below. 


Wake Up Earlier

Wait, I know that’s hard because we as moms don’t go to bed until the crack of dawn but hear me out. Before you wake up the kids. Start getting up before them 30mins – 1 hour depending. Make yourself a cup of Tea/Coffee. Sit down at the counter and write. 

It’s on of my favorite things to do is write. Now I like to make To-Do List , Write notes to my people, Or just writing in general.  I love using a notebook or journal for this I have some linked below. ( Click the Picture)

Get up Immediately!

When you sit there and starting thinking about it. Your Killing your time that you could be actively doing a task. I mean if you want to lay there then do it. BUT I am telling you. Just getting up right after you wake up means no time to think and sulk. We are up and working on ourselves before anyone has to wake up. This is your time do with it what you please but from personal experience. I love getting up to make my coffee and being able to sit in peace and quiet. Writing in my notebook or doing an adult coloring book. It just helps my mind settle.  I have some Linked Below. 

Eat a Good Breakfast!

Well they don’t call it Breakfast for no reason. You need to eat so that you can break the fast so that you can stay in good health and it replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required to be the best you. Well I love a good cup of coffee in the morning another great item to have is a glass of water near you! See what a good option that is in the morning.  ( I like mine with lemon See why Here) ! Water is a great way to start your day off positively refreshed.

Take a shower!

Now I love a good hot shower by myself. Sometimes it’s rare being a mom with girls whose hair has to be washed. (Bending over the bathtub is NOT for me anymore) I have a hack for you for that too!

But getting into the shower is relaxing in itself. I’d like to also suggest this would also be a great time before the shower to meditate or workout- It’s amazing what a good work out can release. The Good feeling hormones get released. Oh Boy!

Attack the Day!

Last but Definitely not least, Attack that day, Yesterday is gone and we need to be here this day. I like to start with the biggest task from my to-do list. When you do that , at the end of the day, you feel like you have accomplished the big task at hand which should push you to keep up with your routine. Keep your thoughts positive and your mind on the task.


Remember to do what your lifestyle can handle. Abbreviate the routine to your needs. A well thought out positive  routine can have a significant impact on oneself. Stick to it let me know if you need a friends to talk to. I’m always here for my Virutal Gf’s and Bf’s